Sunday, August 29, 2010

Introductory Video ENG 102

Nabokov's Good Reader and Good Writer
Nabokov’s Good Reader and Good Writer
I believe Nabokov thinks a good reader is made up of many different things. A good reader has an open imagination, a great memory, a dictionary to have on hand to better understand words, and some artistic sense helps along the way. I agree strongly on his thoughts of a good reader. A good reader to me is someone that has the willingness to go back and read something twice to get a complete understanding of what has just been read. He also states in his writings that students lean on emotional identification, action, and social-economic or historical angle. I too believe these are strong points in making a good reader. I believe myself to be a good reader, but I am still in the learning process of being a better reader. I really think there are many things you can learn along the way to make yourself the best reader you can be. Each and every person takes different approaches to learning different things when reading. While reading a novel I carefully take my time through the text and if I need to I go back through and reread the page.